In 2023, our ADID Outreach Team continued their commendable work, connecting people experiencing homelessness with much-needed support. We’re proud to share that we enrolled 165 participants, conducted 170 service needs assessments, and placed 133 clients in interim housing. These figures are more than numbers; they represent individual lives touched, changed, and given new hope.
Two stories, in particular, stand out. One hot summer day, a person reached out to the Outreach Team seeking housing. Our team worked diligently, completing assessments and referrals, and placing the person in interim housing. In time, this person landed a job, saved money, and moved into long-term housing. Today, they are employed, financially stable, and planning to find a place of their own next year.
Another story involves a senior citizen living on the streets for years. Our team engaged, assessed, and placed this person in a temporary shelter. Eventually, with our assistance, they moved into a senior living community where they now enjoy a safe and comfortable life. These stories underline not just the impact of our outreach programs but also the resilience and determination of the people we serve.
In addition to the Outreach Team, the Downtown Ambassador Force continues to be a significant pillar of our community, performing over 340,000 citizen assists, giving directions to visitors, and jump-starting cars. Our close collaboration with the Atlanta Police Department and the Georgia State University Police helps make our Downtown streets safe and secure.
Maintaining the cleanliness and aesthetic appeal of our public spaces is a priority, and the ADID Public Space Operations Team has been relentless in their efforts. This year, the team collected over 43,000 bags of trash, pressure-washed countless public spaces, removed graffiti, and maintained our vibrant landscaping.
As we reflect on our journey in 2023, we see a story of transformation, collaboration, and hope. As we move forward, we are inspired by the experiences of those we have served, buoyed by the positive changes we have seen, and motivated by the possibilities that the future holds.